Successful businesses are built on trust. Trust in products and services, trust in and among your employees, and trust by customers in your brand. Cyber-attacks take advantage of this trust to access and disrupt your business. To protect the trust in your organization, you need a security partner that can help you respond, identify, and prepare for ongoing cybersecurity threats.
We are here for your help. Our industry-standard certified professionals (Offensive security certified professionals) will help you to assess your Applications (Web / Mobile / Thick client)& Infrastructures (Internal & External) to find the threats and will provide a detailed assessment report along with an executive summary and proper artefacts. We will ensure your systems are secure with threat detection, penetration testing, vulnerability and red team assessment services.
A full test on the nominated website based on OWASP most common vulnerabilities. A web application test employs different testing techniques to find “security bugs” in server/client applications of the organization from the Internet. The outcome of this web application testing is to provide assurance that the organization’s web presence is protected from penetration and compromise from intruders.
Penetration testing of mobile phones (Android, iPhone), tablets and laptops. Testing will consist of attempted access to a mobile device without authentication devices or provided passwords. A second phase of testing will also be undertaken with full authentication provided allowing the tester’s access to the device as an employee would have.
Testing internal& External systems will determine the level of threat to an organisation that a malicious attacker, an employee or contractor, who has gained access to systems, may pose to the systems and data. We will examine the security of all server’s OS, applications, wireless security, segregation of restricted data, VLAN and firewall rulesets and physical security. Testing will be partial ‘white box’, where relevant information is given. Testing is designed to cause no interference to normal network operation.
Environment and people vulnerabilities can be a larger threat than network and IT vulnerabilities. Social engineering is the Art/Science of manipulating someone in order to bypass security measures and tools. We also provide phishing campaigns to your employees along with awareness sessions This test will identify any vulnerabilities in an organization’s staff and physical access to the organization’s’ building.
A wireless penetration test will examine security of all nominated wireless points and check for data leakage and security level. This will test the reliability of the organization’s wireless network and prevent an attack.
Our experienced security engineers will test your thick client application whether it is hosted internally or in a virtualized environment. Our approach to thick client security assessments includes reviewing server-side controls, data communication paths, and potential client-related issues.